PT. Herman Industries, an MRO (Maintenance Repair Operations) Supply company with a wide range of Electrical Engineering
product, Air Compressors, Hydraulic/Pneumatic Bolting Tools,
Machineries, Automotive Workshop products and Material Handling Our
customers include Automotive, Oil/Gas, Petro Chemical, Mining, Power
Generation, Fertilizer, Data-Centered related industries, Manufacturing
industries including EPC contractors. Located in
Jakarta, Cikarang, Cikupa, Surabaya, Semarang, Batam and Balikpapan, we
are looking for suitable candidate to fill the position as our:
- Laki-laki, usia 23 - 30 tahun.
- Pendidikan D3 Teknik Mesin.
- Pengalaman 2 tahun di power tools dan hardware business.
- Mengerti tentang genset, compressor, water pump, power product, high pressure water.
- Jujur, rajin, rapi, dan teliti.
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